Wednesday, July 31, 2013

NOT Da Mama!

On the off chance that someone stumbles across this poor neglected blog, I thought I would post a little explanation. This little blog was an experiment for me and a way to gain experience and the courage to start a REAL blog, one that is interesting and full of inspiring content. My last "baby" is now 18 and I am also now unencumbered by a full time job, no more big house or the responsibilities associated with Single Motherhood. So, while I am still technically a Single Mother of Invention, I am moving on to another chapter and up to the big time by creating a shiny new blog that will be called "AndiBeeCreates".

                                       What will the REMIX of this baby look like? 

As of today, it is not up and running YET, but when it is, I promise to surprise/inspire/entertain you with the many creative ideas and inventions I have been making for years and am "Remixing" to bring them into today!

Thanks for checking in and looking forward to seeing you soon!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hobbies to Headaches

The end of February, the weather will be unbearably hot and muggy soon. Why hasn't the long list of wanna/need to-do's gotten checked off?

Organic Garden - accomplished "Attended workshop"; interviewed experts at U of F extension office; composting begun...not a plant planted or a raised bed marked off...only 3 months left of the growing season so I'd better get a shovel - but wait there's also -

Fix the rotted wooden floor in the Laundry Room so I can replace the washing machine! How in the world can I get the hot water heater drained, disconnected, the old floor cut out and replaced with new wood, then re-wire and re-weld the pipes to the hot water heater? I think I have met my DIY limit on this one....I CAN empty the laundry/craft supply/storage for my job supplies ~ room to make room to do the work. It could take a whole weekend though, sigh.

MOW THE LAWN (PLEASE!) that has begun to grow (weeds) in earnest since the sun is lasting longer in the sky and the rain is falling more frequently on this ratty looking endless acre of hard labor. The ancient push mower will be the death of me and so will my son who says "sure Mom, I'll do it" as he drives away to be with the love of his life in the Everglades college class she is in. (I have no idea how the professors allow him in their classes when he is not a student of the college!! My ingenious child.)

MAKE MORE MONEY IMMEDIATELY! Soon my landlord will be calling wondering "how's it going?" I know that is code for "You still owe me $2,000,000,000 in back rent - cough it up bitch!" None of the solutions I have come up with have, well, come to pass. Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant will eventually be a good source of income and fun and friendships, but it costs to get going quickly, so I will be taking the slow road to the pink Caddy! Another idea is to work nights at the grocery store or Walmart, don't want to, wish my son would pitch in, but with all his free college classes and the web/magazine/art designer "work" he does, there is just no time left to work at a menial job (like I have to) in order to help support himself...grrrr...another item on my list of "wanna/need to-do's".

Precious Projects to finish: Nana's Recipes/Just like Mama Used to Make family cookbook. It started out so well, I was writing and collecting and getting input from the rest of the family, then SCREECH! I turned around and another training for another job loaded up my brain with so much insignificant data to learn, that I could just explode. Almost did.
Bouquet Box for my daughter's paper wedding bouquet - another DIY project that is over my head, but I managed to make the bouquet and all the others, so I know I can do it. Not now though because I just remembered -

I have to get my income taxes done!!! Problem solved, I know what I'll be doing for the rest of today...headache coming on now, double sigh.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

He is who he is, and that's perfect

Happy 22nd year to my handsome, talented, gifted, creative, funny, brilliant, and most importantly, loving son David! Who knew that a crazy beginning would result in a perfect specimen such as yourself?
Captain Hook who kills the bad guys, the Vengeful Poet who wrote about killing the bad guys, and the Good Guy who is an artist extraordinaire. I love you David, for who you are, no matter what you do or don't do, simple as that.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mother of Re-invention

The lack of anything becomes the source of craving and desire - for the most part. However, when the lack of money is the subject my insufficiency, then instead of the exciting anticipation of acquiring the reward, I instead grow anxious and overwhelmed as the payment due dates rapidly approach! Until recently, I would kick into high gear and find a part time something to fill in the needed extra zeroes at the end of my bank account balance, and breeze through another month unscathed by late fees and overdrafts. With the waning supply of readily available part time work and my aging feet, I am forced to become more resourceful and review my options.
How many times have I heard "re-invent yourself" or "work at what you are passionate about"? As though we all have deliberately chosen to work in the miserably boring or tedious, thankless positions we are employed in. So HOW do you work at what you are passionate about - but first how do you know what you are passionate about? Better yet, what if you are passionate about several things or what you are passionate about doesn't provide enough income to subsist in this crazy economy?

The book, "Cure for the Common Life - Living in Your Sweet Spot" by Max Lucado; has really opened my eyes and mind to the possibility of being able to go for it! I discovered my "sweet spot" is naturally in the creative field. I love to help people, and I also love working with my hands. These things I have always known, but reading about it and having it explained so well as the reason for my miserable feelings of inadequacy and constant searching for my "purpose", has given me a renewed sense of hope for my future. This long haphazard journey of my life is not just a trail of footprints in the sand to be washed away with the next generation. The experiences can be of help to someone, I am sure of it, I just need the correct venue to present them.

Evolution was not how we got here, but the evolution of thought has been how we have gotten this far. I just hope my evolving thoughts don't take as long as the age of industry or the others cause I ain't got that long to wait!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Like the overgrown corners of my mind

I think I have a new name in mind for this blog, but it isn't quite there yet....maybe something like "Single Mothers, The Sisterhood of Survivors"... but that seems so desperate and bleak for a tribute to lives filled with growth and purpose and change and courage. Hmmm, still thinking but must finish mowing the living organism that my lawn has become before it swallows us up, cars, home and helps to clear my mind through the endless and mind numbing revolutions of the blades and paths of neatly trimmed grass - like neatly trimming my cluttered brain into manageable trains of thought.

Still thinking about names -
Single Motherhood - The Great Frontier
A Sisterhood Like No Other- Membership Priceless

Just Like Mama Used to Make - A Home Without Dad
Sisterhood of Single Motherhood
A Life No One Would Wish For But Happy to End Up With
Ducks in a Row on the Roof {A Random thought just pops up every so often and I have to go with them!}
Better Than Before {That one is probably in the self improvement book section at Borders!}
Behind Every Successful Single Mother is Herself, a Pile of Bills and Laundry
Will This Fun Never End? A Tribute to Single Motherhood
Obstacle Illusions - I Am Better Than I think I Am {Another Self help documentary that I should also write someday}


Friday, July 30, 2010

Doodling and Dreaming

I lost my favorite Sister in law a couple of weeks ago. She was the consummate single mother - adventurous, content to be who she was, full of life, and the mother, grandmother and great grandmother of nearly all of my nieces and nephews. She lived an impoverished life, but it was a trade off for the richness of her free lifestyle.

I have begun to examine my motives and purpose for living and found them severely lacking in comparison to her simple plan. I will miss her words and her laughter, her long gray hair and the way her small voice made a big difference - but everything else about her I carry with me and will flavor my life like no one else could.

She is the thin short haired girl next to my brother in the old picture at the top of my blog - pregnant with her first of five children - before single motherhood was even a thought in her mind, let alone a lifetime career.